Public Records

Records Access Officers

In accordance with Chapter 121 of the Acts of 2016 and 950 CMR 32, the Town of Erving must create the position of Records Access Officer(s) (RAO) who will be appointed by the Select Board.

Records Access Officers “…shall at reasonable times and without unreasonable delay permit inspection or furnish a copy of any public record…or any portion of a public records, not later than ten (10) business days following the receipt of the request, provided that:

  • The request reasonably descripts the public record sought;
  • The public record is within the possession, custody or control of the agency or municipality that the records access officer serves; and
  • The records access officer receives payment of a reasonable fee…”

The Town of Erving Select Board adopts the following Records Access Officer organizational chart:

Organizational Chart for Erving Records Access Officers
Chief Records Access OfficerTown Clerk
Appointing Authority

Designated Position to serve as Records Access Officer

Board of AssessorsAssistant Assessor
Board of Library TrusteesTrustee Chair
Tax CollectorTax Collector
Recreation CommissionCommission Chair
School CommitteeUnion 28 Executive Secretary
Select Board: 
Police DepartmentPolice Chief
Fire DepartmentFire Chief
All other general governmentTown Administrator

Each Records Access Officer is responsible for handling public records requests relating to a specific functional area of town government.  The Select Board has appointed the Town Administrator to serve as the Records Access Officer for general governmental records requests, unless a functional area has been designated to another official. The Select Board has deferred to the School Committee, Tax Collector, Board of Assessors, Treasurer, Town Clerk, Library Trustees, and Recreation Commission for the appointment of a Records Access Officer to handle public records requests relating to their functional areas.  In addition, the Select Board designate the Town Clerk as the Chief Records Access Officer; responsible for setting policy concerning public records matters generally, for developing appropriate guidelines and procedures for responding to public records requests, and to maintain the log of all records requests. The Chief Records Access Officer will coordinate with the appointed Records Access Officers and with custodians of public records to respond to requests for records.

Policy & Forms