Elected Official Vacancies for the Planning Board & Recreation Commission

The Town of Erving would like to announce one (1) vacancy on the Recreation Commission and one (1) vacancy on the Planning Board. These vacancies are for elected positions. In accordance with MGL Chapter 41, Section 11, the Select Board is seeking interested residents to serve in these positions until the Annual Town Election in 2024.  To be considered, an interested person must be a registered voter of the Town of Erving.

The Planning Board is a five (5) member elected Board that guides the development of Erving by serving as the Special Permit and site plan review authority under the Zoning Bylaw.  The Board also administers the provisions of the Subdivision Control regulations.  The Planning Board plays an important role in reviewing the Zoning Bylaw, proposing edits, and holding public hearings for voters before any revisions are presented at Town Meeting.

The Recreation Commission is a five (5) member elected Board that provides youth sports, recreational programs, and special events for Erving residents.  The Commission does so while overseeing the use and development of the Town’s five (5) parks and playgrounds.

If you are interested, please send a written letter of interest that identifies the position that you are interested in serving in and that includes your name, address, and contact information.  It may be helpful to include an explanation of your education, training, experience, and other interests that would lend itself to the position sought. 

Letters of interest are due by Wednesday, September 13, 2023.

Letters can be sent by mail to:

Erving Select Board
12 East Main Street
Erving, Massachusetts 01344
Or by email to: volunteer@erving-ma.gov.